An overview of the OpenRPG API, including how to call and use it, some basic templates, and more.
A simple route for running the dice roll module.
This function is called with a user navigates to /roll?<args>
Uppon being called it grabs the args and splits them into an vector by the delimiter & (the & does not go into the vector) As long as there is at least 1 specified argument, it will call the roll module with that argument.
If &json
is specified at the END of the path, it will drop down into
. It removes the json argument from the vector, then returns
the output of roll as a json formated object
Calling with one argument {base_ul}/roll?-h
Calling with multiple arguments {base_url}/roll?-v&3d4
Requesting json {base_url}/roll?3d4&json
fn roll_module(args: &str) -> String {
let mut args1: Vec<&str> = args.split("&").collect();
let index = args1.iter().position(|&r| r == "json");
match index {
None => {
let output = Command::new("./build/roll")
return String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).to_string();
Some(i) => {
remove_ele(&mut args1, i);
let output = Command::new("./build/roll")
let mut output_string = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).to_string();
let json = json!({"output" : output_string});
return json.to_string();